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Please give to this dave23869 6:09pm Wednesday 8th Nov [open all]
RE: Please give to this dave23869 8:07pm Wednesday 8th Nov
RE: Please give to this 14TB 2:45pm Monday 13th Nov

dave23869"Please give to this" 6:09pm Wednesday 8th Nov | message edited 6 times

joined: 2nd May 04
last here: 8:49am Thursday 9th Nov
posts: 1377
from: near whitby north yorkshi

I haven’t posted on here for a while and hope it’s allowed and the link works but can you give to the just giving page for this little girl she’s not very well she has cancer and needs help to raise funds for an operation she’s a friend of my nieces daughter at infant school the just giving page was setup to raise finds for a operation to help her">

4000 gallons queni koi drum and jbr plastics bio chamber drum fed from bottom drain 3 inch gravity skimmer also into drum 55 watt submersible uv 240 litres air and 12 fishI

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