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Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:22pm Friday 3rd Jun [open all]
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table kathsi 7:03pm Saturday 4th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 10:30am Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table dave23869 10:06pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table 14TB 11:51pm Sunday 5th Jun
RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table JIMMY/S 10:50pm Thursday 16th Jun

dave23869"RE: Look what’s piped onto bird table" 10:06pm Sunday 5th Jun

joined: 2nd May 04
last here: 8:49am Thursday 9th Nov
posts: 1377
from: near whitby north yorkshi

Couldn’t believe it when I saw it that close sat proud as punch it flies low over field opposite house a lot but never been that close what a lovely looking bird

4000 gallons queni koi drum and jbr plastics bio chamber drum fed from bottom drain 3 inch gravity skimmer also into drum 55 watt submersible uv 240 litres air and 12 fishI

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